Chakra Flower Essences
In our recent Chakra Connection series, we learned about the flower essences associated with each of the chakras to help you to connect to the healing flow.
A flower essence is made from the flowering part of a plant to support emotional and mental wellness. The essence is made in nature and influenced by the elements of earth, water, air and fire. The person making the essence adds their unique energy to the process. Fresh blossoms are gathered on a sunny morning and float in a bowl of water for several hours. This creates an imprint of the healing properties of the plant and is called the mother essence. The mother essence is diluted and sold as a flower essence in a stock bottle preserved in alcohol. Here is an overview of the chakra flower essences.
Base Chakra Flower Essences
- Boab
- Dog Rose of the Wild Forces
- Grey Spider Flower
- Macrocarpa
- Mulla Mulla
- Sundew
- Sunshine Wattle
- Tall Yellow Top
- Waratah
- Wild Potato Bush
Sacral Chakra Flower Essences
- Billy Goat Plum
- Bottlebrush
- Bush Gardenia
- Flannel Flower
- Little Flannel Flower
- Red Helmet Orchid
- She Oak
- Wedding Bush
- Wisteria
Solar Plexus Chakra Flower Essences
- Banksia Robur
- Black Eyed Susan
- Crowea
- Dog Rose
- Five Corners
- Kangaroo Paw
- Kapok Bush
- Monga Waratah
- Paw Paw
- Peach Flowered Tea Tree
- Green Essence
- Red Grevillea
- Southern Cross
- Spinifex
- Sturt Desert Rose
Heart Chakra Flower Essences
- Bluebell
- Christmas Bell
- Dager Hakea
- Fringed Violet
- Illawarra Flame Tree
Throat Chakra Flower Essences
- Bauhinia
- Bush Fushia
- Old Man Banksia
- Pink Mulla Mulla
- Silver Princess
- Turkey Bush
Brow Chakra Flower Essences
- Angelsword
- Boronia
- Bush Iris
- Green Spider Orchid
- Hibbertia
- Isopogen
- Jacaranda
- Yellow Cowslip Orchid
Crown Chakra Flower Essences
- Alpine Mint Bush
- Autumn Leaves
- Freshwater Mangrove
- Gynea Lily
- Lichen
- Mint Bush
- Red Lily
- Sydney Rose
May these flower essences help support you in your healing ~ ~ ~