Energy Medicine works with and through the chakra energy system. These force centers are connected by a network through which subtle energy can flow. The energetic network of the human body is comprised of energy meridians or nadis. These meridians underlie the nervous system. Where multiple nadis intersect, you have major or minor centers of Force or chakras.
- 7th Chakra – Head Center
- 6th Chakra – Brow Center
- 5th Chakra – Throat Center
- 4th Chakra- Heart Center
- 3rd Chakra – Personal Power Center
- 2nd Chakra – Sacral Center
- 1st Chakra – Root or Base Center
Much of the dis-ease found in the body is derived from too much, or not enough energy flowing within, or around one of these major force centers. Your aura is the sum total of your chakra energy center system. Energy Medicine, like Healing Touch, works within an individual’s aura, to bring the energy field back into balance thus promoting health.
Healing touch practitioners direct healing energies through intention and via the minor chakra centers in their hands.